Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to Cry on Cue

Even in my insomnia, I'm still thinking about my fellow actors. Check out this video in case you ever need to cry on cue, in acting or real life.

Oh Yeah.. You're Welcome :)

How to Cry on Cue

Okay, I couldnt sleep last night, so I decided to make a contribution to the acting community by teaching you how to Cry on cue... You're Welcome:)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Confessions of a NON Video Vixen

Okay, when I first got back home to Los Angeles, aka the Land of the Lost Souls, I was excited. I wanted to dance and show it off. I was busy and got a great welcome home. August and especially September is time for celebration, parties, end of summer Hiatus, pilots are picked up and its EPISODIC time, which means more auditions, and more money. I made this video just playing around and just wanted to show my fans a part of me behind the scenes being my silly self. No director saying Action or Cut. Ironically I was called for several music videos and got over 5000 hits on youtube just being ME. Imagine when I'm really acting 'garsh' lol.

The moral of the story folks is " Be You, Love You, Do You". Dont be a cheap imitation. God created you to be the original, and people will love you for just that!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Business of Acting

In Los Angeles, Acting is not only a craft, but a business. You can be the most talented actor, but if you have not paid attention to detail, such as your Headshot and what you are trying to convey, or what types of roles you want to play, you will end up just another number amongst millions of actors. Check out this video on the Business of Acting.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Behind the Scenes at Screen Gems

Screen Gems is only about a year old, and already houses many shows and films that are coming to Atlanta. Not far from Tyler Perry Studios, actually. As promised, I'm taking you with me on this journey... Check it Out:

How to get your Child Started in Showbizness: Acting By: Latoya Haynes

I am a proud mom, who cannot deny her child his talents. My son is 3 years old and already showing signs that he will be bit by the acting bug. How to get him started was the question. I have been pursuing my career for enough time to know how to protect him in all areas. Many parents fall to all the scams initially, such as modeling classes, and fraudulent agents, expensive pictures and conventions. Starting your child in the business does not have to put a dent in your bank account initially. If your child shows signs that he/she wants to act then support them by all means!! Get them an agent by submitting a basic snapshot with contact info and stats, and keep at it. There are many Kids Extras agencies that will help your child become acquainted with being on set. I personally take my son to shoots (and even auditions) whenever possible. Acting is a normal part of life for him. I recently shot a commercial audition for his new agent in LA. GO TO WWW.SAG.ORG FOR A LIST OF LEGITIMATE SAG FRANCHISED AGENCIES.

I am allowing him to express himself as an artist while teaching him professionalism, by example.
If you are a proud Stage Mom like me, subscribe to my blog and go on this journey with me.

Until Next Time..

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Auditions, Auditions, Auditions-More Video TV Auditions

Here is another audition for a new TV show. I had to play a groupie fan.

And Another one... Bruised Bridezilla

Follow me and leave responses, I am always open to constructive criticism. An Actor's work is never done!

Video Audtions

Video Auitions are the wave of the future, so get yourself a camcorder or flip. I will be posting some of my old video auditions.

My first is a film audition playing a Tough, no-nonsense, business woman who will do anything for her client.
take a look..

Note that script is still in hand, this is acceptable since it is an audition.

This Next Audition was for an open call. This is a perfect example of making the audition your own. The ending was not scripted, but it was how my character was feeling.

Notice the elements of comedy, not in stage directions, but as an actor, you want to add your own touch to every audition.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Actor Demo Reels

Just realized my Demo Reel is currently being featured on Mekhi Phifer's website, Soooo Coool! Check it out! Only the best submissions are featured so this is a tremendous blessing.

Latoya Haynes

Monday, January 10, 2011

Visitors - (opening sneak peak)

If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. I am working on my own project with Up and Coming singer, Dallas. Our project Visitors is going to be an instant Hit. Check out this sneak peek!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Journey, Part I

Sometimes we have to look at where we've come from and evaluate ourselves and where we want our careers to go. This was my first major project in LA and I beat out thousands of girls for this role. Why? Because I did not play a stereotype, I played a real human being with thoughts, feelings and emotions, who just happened to live in a certain environment. I played a character, not a characterization. Training teaches you the difference!

This was a major accomplishment and I am so greatful to have had this opportunity while in LA. Onward and Upward!

Becoming an actor is about evolving. Taking life experiences, observing people, and utilizing every experience whether good or bad to create characters. I can honestly say I have been true to my training and really done the work every time I step on the set. Always being professional and prepared makes people call you back for more opportunities. This is especially important in a small town like Atlanta.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sinners, Coming Soon to Select Theaters

Shot this summer and coming soon to select theaters. One of my best experiences on set since being in Atlanta. A Gary Lynch Production.

Also, I am currently casting for my horror movie/ web series The Visitors which I am starring in and Producing.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Standard Headshot

This is an example of an Industry Standard Theatrical Headshot. It is usually a serious pose. This particular headshot says rebellious teen or bad girl. When choosing a particular headshot it is important to know your type. What types of roles will you be considered for? Will you take control of your career, or let others do it for you? You are creating a specific brand for yourself. What is your brand?
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to get an Agent

The first thing every actor learns when trying to pursue an acting career is that in order to get legitimate paid work, you must have a agent.  Getting one is a task that takes some actor so many years.  In order to get an agent, you must have worked, and in order to get work, you need an agent.  So... where do you begin.  That's where the expression "paying your dues" comes in.  Take classes, network, do plays at local schools, church,student films, any work to gain experience and build a resume.  Once you have a headshot and continue building your resume, you can begin your search for an agent.  Standard procedure is to mail it in to every agent until one is interested, easier said than done.  This industry is not for the easily discouraged.  Just KEEP TRYING!!!  For starters,go to http://www.sag.org/ for a listing of  legitimate agents in your area.

Monday, July 26, 2010


My First RnB Video with New singer, Dallas.  It was such a great experience and the director, and everyone kept comparing my acting to the one and only Angela Basset.  Something I am so honored when I hear.  I would love to play her daughter or younger sister.  Just act opposite her. 
Dalas is an Amazing talent and he kept gassing me up, lol.  This song is a future hit!
Overall it was a great experience!