Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to get an Agent

The first thing every actor learns when trying to pursue an acting career is that in order to get legitimate paid work, you must have a agent.  Getting one is a task that takes some actor so many years.  In order to get an agent, you must have worked, and in order to get work, you need an agent.  So... where do you begin.  That's where the expression "paying your dues" comes in.  Take classes, network, do plays at local schools, church,student films, any work to gain experience and build a resume.  Once you have a headshot and continue building your resume, you can begin your search for an agent.  Standard procedure is to mail it in to every agent until one is interested, easier said than done.  This industry is not for the easily discouraged.  Just KEEP TRYING!!!  For starters,go to http://www.sag.org/ for a listing of  legitimate agents in your area.

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