Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Journey, Part I

Sometimes we have to look at where we've come from and evaluate ourselves and where we want our careers to go. This was my first major project in LA and I beat out thousands of girls for this role. Why? Because I did not play a stereotype, I played a real human being with thoughts, feelings and emotions, who just happened to live in a certain environment. I played a character, not a characterization. Training teaches you the difference!

This was a major accomplishment and I am so greatful to have had this opportunity while in LA. Onward and Upward!

Becoming an actor is about evolving. Taking life experiences, observing people, and utilizing every experience whether good or bad to create characters. I can honestly say I have been true to my training and really done the work every time I step on the set. Always being professional and prepared makes people call you back for more opportunities. This is especially important in a small town like Atlanta.

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