Saturday, June 26, 2010

Watch My Shoot on YouTube!

At the First Taping of my Talk Show, "People of Today"

Weds.  June 23, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Busy Busy Week!

What a week!!.  Sinners,  my short film, is almost complete.  And I just shot My First Talk Show, "People of Today"  Live and in living color.  It was sooo exciting and I got the opportunity to introduce some new artists and get them and myself some exposure.  It was just the pilot episode and it aired online first at, over 300 people tuned in to the live broadcast, online and the network is extremely excited about it.  It will air in ATL channel 24 in about two weeks, but for now it can be seen on  Yesterday I had an amazing shoot, here's one of my favorite pics, no retouching at all!  But Hosting my ow talk show was a rollercoaster ride, and being  able to introduce new talent was priceless.  I think I may have found another calling!
Exhausted  on the set of Sinners 4am!

But with every blessing, and the more The Lord enlarges my territory, the more I get to see who my true friends are.  That green eyed monster of envy shows its face sometimes in the most surprising places. Oh well, its lonely at the top.  I'd rather keep the small circle around me than th fake people who mean me no good, and Im glad God is removing them from my life. 

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Taking Control!

It was a very productive weekend.  I shot my horror short with Gary Lynch Productions and started rehearsing for my talk show.  I am also in talks to start writing my ideal script and even learning how to produce.  God is really beginning to reveal some things to me and why it has taken so long for things happen. I am meant to be a leader, to make things happen, and to give back when I attain a position which allows me to create opportunities for others.

Its about to get really crazy!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Unfortunate Truth about Atlanta projects

Since living in Atlanta, I have done the majority of my work, most of which Iwill never see again. Sometimes I think that once I do become a household name, all of these projects will come out of the woodworks. You CAN work here, but you must be wise to work with people and get a promise to have your footage sent to you IN WRITING. I have so many projects that have just been put on a backburner somewhere. It is so frustrating to not only be unable to see the fruits of your labor,but not be able to share with your family.

The First Chapter

This is my first official blog, and I am sooo excited to bring the world in on my grind as an actress in Atlanta. It has been an eventful week for me, to say the least, just got back from a road trip saw my family and made stops at just about every landmark up the east coast along the way, pics following. It really grounded me and made me realize what I need to do. Thats what family is for though, and I love mine. This week is going to be a busy week in this new chapter, I will be hosting a talk show on ATL 24 with live streaming on Also excited about my first Horror movie called Sinners, which I will be shooting this weekend. And I'm taking you on this ride with me. Are you Ready?!?!